Spinning Globe Product Ingredients


Re-Genesis Bio-Energetic Weight Management System

A rich source of rain forest guaranine, for long, slow endurance energy without coffee's heated hydrocarbons which pose health problems.
Not to be confused with Ephedrine HCL. this has been used in the Orient for over 5,000 years and is a long-valued decongestant. The American I-phedra is commonly known as "Mormon Tea."
  White Willow
The bark has traditionally been the natural aspirin used by native American Indians an white settlers to treat acute pain and inflammation of fevers and arthritis. It treats the symptoms while clearing the underlying causes of congestion and stagnation.
  Cayenne Pepper
This herb is certainly the herb to have on hand for emergencies. It counters shock and can arrest bleeding by its astringency and ability to quickly penetrate tissue and to normalize blood flow. It normalizes both high and low blood pressure. Cayenne is often used as an ingredient in formulas for its ability to carry the other herbs quickly where they are needed. It has heating, stimulating, blood regulator, homeostatic, diaphoretic, anti-infectious, astringent, carminative and antispasmodic properties.
  Ginger Root
This common culinary spice is a virtual treasure trove because it benefits such a wide variety of conditions. Its aroma instantly calms and purifies. As an antispasmodic, ginger finds a place in treating intestinal or menstrual cramps and general tension. It blends well to treal colds, flue and fevers. it relieves stomach upsets, belching, gas and nausea, particularly during pregnancy or while traveling. It helps clear stagnant mucuous congestion in the lung areas.
This special Artichoke was chosen as the herb for enhancing bile function. This particular cholagogue posses several unique features which make it ideal for its intended puposes. Primarily, it will now affect gastric secretion, and it will contribute to cholesterol and free fatty acid reduction.
  Buckthorn Bark
This small tree grows in Europe and western Asia. its laxative effect is due to the presence of antraquinone derivatives, particularly glucofrangulin A & B. In the USA, Cascara Sagrada is generally the herb of choice because it is less expensive than buckthorn bark. Ther German Commission E has found buckthorn bark to be an effective stiumlating laxative.
  Peppermint Oil
Among essential oils, Peppermint ranks first in importance, varying in color from clear to greenish yellow, it thickens and becomes reddish with age. The Japanese recognized its value over 200 years ago and carried it in boxes hanging from their girdles. It is recognized in the United States Parmacopeia, and is the most extensively used of all the volatile oils, both medicinally and commercially. The characteristic antispasmodic action is more marked than any other oil and adds to its power of relieving pains arising from the alimentary canal. Peppermint oil has been employed with purgatives to prevent griping. Peppermint Tea is used also for palpitations of the heart.
  Chromium Picolinate
One of the most important features of the Bio-Energetic Weight Management program is its ability to enhance insulin activity. Poor insulin metabolism has been linked to a number of clinical manifestations, including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and abnormal blood lipid chemistry. Correcting the insulin problem has brought about dramatic reversals in these symptoms.

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Copyright © 1998 Michael Congdon
Last modified: April 29, 1998


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