Spinning Globe Trek Products


Trek Alliance Water Filtration Systems

Trek Alliance distributes a handful of water filtration systems organized into 2 groups: Household and Shower. The following is a brief description of each model.

Trek Alliance Countertop System
The TREK countertop drinking water appliance is a compact, high technology filter system in the best tradition of modern European design. It has been engineered to reduce a wide variety of aesthetic and health contaminants that are of most concern to an informed worldwide public, specifically; chlorine, tastes and odors, sediment, rust, scale, turbidity, lead, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), trihalomethanes (THMs) and protozoan cysts (Giardia and Cryptosporidium.)

A tube attached to the appliance connects to any ordinary household faucet outlet via a special diverter valve (international adapters are available.) Ordinary tap water flows to the appliance and through its proprietary multistage compressed block of activated carbon and selectiveion exchange media where impurities are removed and the taste polished. A unique batter operated magnetic "smart" sensor measures the flow of water and visually alerts the user when to both re-order a replacement cartridge and when to change the current one - GREEN; peak cartridge performance. YELLOW; performance is reduced and a new cartridge will be needed soon. RED; replace the cartridge before use. The water exits a convenient spout on the appliance allowing the user to fill a variety of containers form the glass to a carafe.

The proprietary high performance filter cartridge has a rated life of 600 gallons or approximately 6 months to 1 year use for a family of four. The appliance is currently under NSF International Standards 42 and 53 product testing to legally certify its peformance claims. Thi srepresents the highest certification in the industry and is recognized by virtually all state authorities and many foreign governments. The anticipated performance claims of the TREK filter are:

  99% Chlorine, Taste and Odor Reduction
  97% Lead Reduction
  98% VOC (THM, Toluene, Benzene, etc.) Reduction
  99% Particulate (dirt sediment, etc.) Reduction
  99% Protozoan Cyst Reduction
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  Basic Under-Counter
The Basic Under-Counter filter system substantially reduces chlorine, bad taste, odors and particulate matter. This unit features a 10-Micron filter which is rated at a 3,000 gallon capacity for filtering simple contaminants. This filter provides better tasting water, without removing the heavy contaminants that a 1-Micron Filter removes.

The Basic Under-Counter system is an economical choice for the individual who simply wants to make their water taste better. This unit comes with the necessary hoses to install directly to the cold water line, filtering all cold water through your existing faucet.

  Deluxe Under-Counter System
The Deluxe Under-Counter system produces a continuous source of fresh, clean water. It is engineered to reduce a wide variety of aesthetic and health contaminants that are a major concern worldwide. Tap water enters the cartridge and passes through three distinct Micron-Filtration barriers, providing maximum protection at every stage.

This Deluxe Under-Counter Unit uses the same type of 1-Micron Filter as the Countertop Drinking Water Appliance. These high-performance 1-Micron Filters are by far some of the finest filtration devices available today. The cartridge is rated at a 500 gallon capacity, or approximately 6 months to 1 year for a family of four. Since the 1-Micron Filter removes more contaminants, the capacity is consequently lower than a 10-Micron filter, which simply improves taste.

The Deluxe Under-Counter Unit is for the discerning individual who truly cares about the quality of the water his or her family drinks.

  Whole House Unit
The TREK ALLIANCE Whole House Unit Filtration Unit reduces chlorine and bad taste and odors. This unit is rated for up to 400,000 gallons of municipally-treated water. The additional Pre-Filter Kit is required with the Whole House Unit. As water passes through this first-stage filter, finer particulate matter is trapped and suspended. Pre-treated water then passes through stage 2 where chlorine is removed. Finally, stage 3 acts to further reduce chlorine residue and other chemical substances from the water.
Trek Shower Filter Appliance
The TREK shower appliance is designed to replace a standard showerhead with a combination chlorine reduction filter and stylish European type shower massage wand. It addresses the needs of discriminating consumers who are concerned about reducing the amount of aggressive free chloringe that comes in contact with their skin and hair. The TREK shower appliance is engineered to provide both superior performance an duser enjoyment over conventioanl shower filters on the market.

Toward a Healthier LIfestyle - The Benefits of Cholorine Reduction in Shower Water

Free chlorine is an inorganic chemical that attacts the protein and other components of the skin and hair, interfering with the natural ecological balance. The result can range from excessive dryness, loss of luster and itching to negative allergic reationc. Children may be particularly sensitive to chlorine. In some areas of the country, especially where surface water is the primary source, free chlorine levels may be very high. When atomized in the shower, consumers are likely to experience an objectable smell and breathing irritation.

Unlike many shower filters onthe market, the TREK shower filter appliance uses premium grade activated carbon in a replaceable cartridge to achieve superior and consistent free chlorine reduction on virtually any water supply. Activated carbon is the most global recognized media for this purpose. In fact, just onecubic foot of activated carbon is capable of removing municipal levels of chlorine from millions of gallons of water.



Description SKU # Price
TREK Countertop Water Filtration System
(filter included)
5000 $    280.00
Countertop Replacement Filters 5500 $   105.00
Optional Electronic Lid Assembly 5501P2 $      30.00
TREK Deluxe Under-Counter System
(Deluxe Faucet Connector Kit required)
5801 $    525.00
Deluxe Faucet Connector Kit 5801A $      15.00
Deluxe Replacement Filters 5802 $   160.00
TREK Basic Under-Counter System 5901 $    350.00
Basic Under-Counter Replacement Filters 5902 $      48.00
TREK Whole House Unit
(Whole House Unit Pre-Filter Kit required)
5700 $ 1,400.00
Whole House Unit Pre-Filter Kit 5701 $      85.00
In-Line Filter 5600 $      45.00
TREK Shower Filtration System 5200 $   187.00
Shower System Replacement Filters (2 pack) 5201 $     46.00

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Other Trek Products: Bio-Energetic Weight Management System | Gaia Skin Care | Gentle Earth Cleaning Supplies | Re-Genesis Personal Nutrition

For further information, please contact us and we will personally assist you.


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Copyright © 1998 Michael Congdon
Last modified: April 29, 1998


Disclaimer: This Web site is solely the responsibility of Michael Congdon, Independent Distributor of Trek Alliance Products. All claims made herein not officially noted by Trek Alliance are the sole responsibility of Michael Congdon and cannot and will not involve Trek Alliance in any legal matters. Any and all guarantees are made exclusively by Michael Congdon.