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Harvard Studies Network Marketing

Network marketing is being taught in amore than 200 colleges including Harvard Business School. Afer extensive research into the network marketing industry, Harvard Business School developed three criteria that a nework marketing company must have in order to make it a most desirable opportunity. They are:

  1. The company must be at least 18 months old, as 90% of all network marketing companies that fail do so in the first 18 months.
  2. The company must have a product which is both unique and highly consumable. Being unique in this case means that you have an exclusive product that can only be purchased from your company's distributors. Havin ga product that is highly consumable means repeated sales, thereby guaranteeing customer loyalty versus a one time sale and having to locate new customers.
  3. It needs to be a "ground floor" opportunity. Harvard Business School suggests that in order for the opportunity to qulify as a ground floor opportunity, the number of existing distributorships shoould be less and 1/2 of 1% in the country where the company exists. In the United States, this figure is equal to 1.5 million people. HBS also stated that if there were leass than 1/2 million people involved, you would be on the cutting edge of a great opportunity. If the company has less than 100,000 distributors, HBS considers it to be a once in a lifetime opportunity.


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Copyright © 1998 Michael Congdon
Last modified: April 29, 1998


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